A night of music and a bear cub – missed

Blissful night of playing music with a young man from North Carolina. Visited with he and his parents plus a brief appearance by his sister and her infant baby. (They seemed too young to have a grandchild.) I caught them on their different-location-each-day trip across some Western states. Sounded like at least a 2 or 3 week affair.
They’re first time RVers like myself and we traded a couple of mostly complaints but in good humor and with appreciation for the journey.
He played way better than I but we had a good time for an hour or more, trading tunes with him playing lead against a typical Mark Lipsky set. His folks were a very appreciative audience which made me feel comfortable and loose. The wine helped too. I chose well yesterday. An old vine Australian shiraz. My first bottle in the new life.
As we parted, we learned from our neighbors that the bear cub who’s been hanging out at the nearby dumpster for a number of days had just run right past us as I played my Latin-tinged original backed by tuneful lead riffs tossed off by my talented new friend.
The bear was likely running from the cold just as we were by then. 60 degrees at 10pm but 30s by early morning.
Another day gone and a recommendation for off-grid living next spring/summer, and I am so there. Crooked Creek, ND.