‘Always RV’ in Mesa, Arizona

I picked up the trailer from Always RV in Mesa on Friday and drove back down to the horse ranch in Sonoita for the balance of December or longer. It suddenly occurred to me over the weekend that, in all the posts that mention returning to Mesa for service, I’d never named the business or described my experience with it across several visits, multiple phone calls and a couple or three dozen texts.
I’m going to copy and paste my Google review below, but I want to publicly and most enthusiastically thank Dave Tomlinson, the owner of Always RV, as well as his warranty manager Judy, service tech Darwin and everyone I’ve ever interacted with at this stand-out operation.
Dave is not only preternaturally knowledgeable about RVs, he’s also a first-class human being with a heart that matches his vast knowledge, intelligence, intuition and work ethic. I realize I’m gushing, but that’s just Dave. He also has a knack for hiring exceptional people and all of his many qualities clearly rub off liberally and effortlessly on his crew.
As difficult as it’s been dealing with the couple of major issues I’ve had with my RV, not to mention all of the medium-sized and more trivial ones, Always RV has been the one consistent bright spot. Trailer life, for me, has been enhanced immeasurably by my interactions with Dave and his team and I’ll never be able to thank them enough.
Here’s my Always RV Google review…