Morning Hike in Lovell Canyon

I’d never barbequed chicken. Lots of burgers and steaks and, for the first time a couple of weeks ago, fish. (Freaking amazing king salmon.) But I’ve been meaning to barbeque some chicken, so picked up a couple of nice-sized boneless chicken breasts and a couple of red snapper fillets at Whole Foods the other day, froze one of each, and finally pulled the poultry trigger last night.
I did this with great trepidation because, you know, salmonella. I’ve owned a meat thermometer for years (that I’ve never used) but still, can you trust a years-old meat thermometer out in the wilderness the first time you’re barbequing chicken?
Well, I survived. I over cooked that breast a little out of an abundance of caution, but that’s OK, it was still pretty tasty and not dry. I’d marinated it for three hours or more so I’m sure that helped. Red snapper this afternoon and then tomorrow, off to the service center (ugh, I know) for a new inverter since the one I have, which is already a replacement for the original, is shutting down for no reason. It thinks it’s shutting down from overheating but it’s full of shit because it’s nice and cool up here on the mountain. Anyhow, service center early am where I’ll get in a couple or three hours of work, then four or so hours to Cedar City Utah, then more work.
I’ll be staying at an RV park for nearly a week, then…who knows. But Durango, CO in May is a certainty.
Here are a couple of views from this morning’s hike.