And Now For Something (Almost) Completely Different

I typically stick to stuff about my travels here, but two things happened this week that I felt compelled to memorialize.
The first was the death this week of the only American in my lifetime more dangerous than Donald J. Trump, the vile and despicable mass murdering war criminal Henry Kissinger. As if we needed any more evidence that the good die young, this irredeemable miscreant lived to 100. Like watching a pot boil, I’ve waited expectantly, decade after decade, for him to expire, only to begin fearing that he might outlive me. But no! Thankfully I was around to note and rejoice in his long-overdue passing. I will forever celebrate November 29th, Kissinger’s death day, with gusto and a warm sense of nostalgia.
Next, I wanted to share an important and compelling video conversation I stumbled on this week between the brilliant evolutionary biologist, author and noted atheist Richard Dawkins, and mathematician, educator and author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, Helen Joyce. Like others, I’m sure, I’ve been fascinated and and increasingly perplexed by the relatively sudden and relentless rise in the number of so-called trans children and young adults, and the equally fascinating and perplexing laissez-faire, compliant – even radically protective – attitude of a shocking number of parents, educators and others. Not to mention, of course, the bizarre cooperation of sports organizations who are actively eroding decades of certain hard-earned rights of women athletes.
This conversation is a vivid and penetrating exploration and explanation of the phenomenon. Author Joyce lucidly presents the foundational lies, injustices and societal/social mechanisms at play and how pernicious they’ve become. It will take real courage by many of us to break the cycle and salvage the affected generation(s), but it’s a battle worth fighting.
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO and let me know your thoughts…
Note that Richard is now 82 and, while still thoughtful and perceptive, there are many better examples of his brilliant, often piercing viewpoints. Here are some of them… (Btw, his books include The Selfish Gene, The God Delusion and The Magic of Reality.)
One Response to “And Now For Something (Almost) Completely Different”
[…] Should have included these along with my affectionate tribute to Henry Kissinger. […]
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