Notes from Nowhere

Winter 2.0


Happy 2-2-2022! (Whatever that means.)

Last year at this time (Winter 1.0) I was “waiting out the winter” which seemed to be unseasonably cold in many parts of the country. This winter is unseasonably cold just about everywhere. A trend? Yes. It’s name isĀ  climate change.

Waiting out the winter last year amounted to hibernating at a handful of RV parks. I actually stayed at one for two full months. The new normal is never staying at an RV park longer than it takes to dump the tanks, catch my breath and head back out into the wild. Not only better for the pocketbook, but way less boring.

After two nights at a park in Las Cruces, NM, I headed out to my current home this past Saturday which is only about 25 minutes outside Las Cruces…

If you’ve been paying attention, you know I’m just a couple of days away from a week in Marfa, TX with my friends Cliff and Linda. And guess what? It’s going to be friggin freezing. Here’s the forecast

We arrive Friday to a low of 9 degrees, then hard freezes overnight every night we’re there. Oh well. My furnace is hot, my bar is full and edibles abound. Not to mention the excellent company I’ll be keeping. Cold on the outside but warm and cozy inside.

Warm hearts to all!

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